The Cluster Parishes of St. Catherine of Alexandria and St. Joan of Arc Pastoral Council serves in an advisory role to the pastor or administrator. It helps to fulfill the pastoral mission of the cluster parishes by:
The Council meets the fourth Tuesday of each month.
Click here for the most recently approved Council meeting minutes.
Trustees are parishioners who serve the parish as advisors, overseers and councilors, entrusted with assisting the pastor in caring for the corporate well-being of the parish. They serve for two-year terms and are members of the Parish Corporation Board of Directors, which administers all the temporal matters that are affected by civil law. One trustee is designated as the trustee-treasurer and the other as the trustee-secretary.
Along with the pastor, trustees are ex-officio members of the parish pastoral council and finance council, and participate fully in the work of those groups.
Current Trustees:
The Cluster Parishes of St. Catherine of Alexandria and St. Joan of Arc Finance Council serves in an advisory role to the pastor. It is the consultative body in all parish financial matters. All parishes in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee are required to have a finance council governed by norms issued by the Archbishop.
The Finance Council includes the pastor, the parish trustees, one or two liaisons from the Pastoral Council, and other parish members appointed by the pastor.
The councils meet the second Tuesday of the month in the scheduled months.
Leisha Smith (Resource)
Jim Nolan
Susan Kuhlenbeck
Jim Hoover
Danny Patrick
Paul Krueger
Dianne Appleby
Mark DeByl
Maintain the buildings and grounds of the Parish in a condition enabling it to meet our worship, education and fellowship needs. Work performed includes the coordination of sub contracts of major project improvements, repairs and maintenance including, but not limited to: Landscaping, weeding, plantings, snow removal, general repairs, addressing storage needs, painting, floor care, fire protection, plumbing, HVAC and electrical, Assistance to the cemetery and special projects. Contact: Jim Hoover (
Christian Formation
The Christian Formation Commission coordinates the practice and activities related to proclaiming the Word of God in the world. The members of this commission work to identify the needs and develop responses to the educational/formation needs of the parish. The committee includes the following sub-committees: Adult Formation, Youth Ministry and Vacation Bible School.
Meetings are the second Tuesday of each month.
Contact Todd Weissenborn:
School Commission
The School Commission promotes and develops Catholic elementary education. The members provide advice to the pastor and principal regarding policy development, school finances/budget development, strategic planning, marketing, and development.
The School Commission is a panel of discerned members whose function is to recommend policy for the operation of the parish school and to serve as an advisory resource to the Executive of the Committee, the Principal of the school.
They meet the 3rd Tuesday of each month.
Contact Holly Cerveny:
Stewardship Commission
The Stewardship Commission educates and promotes the giftedness of all parishioners and the responsibility of disciples to steward all resources. The members collaborate with pastor and staff to develop strategies and practices which invite all parishioners and the parish organization itself to share time, talent, and treasure.
Recognizing that all of us are blessed by God both spiritually and materially, the mission is to foster a spirituality of thanksgiving and biblical stewardship within our parish community. In fostering this spirituality, the Stewardship Commission is also to identify and affirm the gifts of parishioners. We then challenge all parishioners to share generously of their Time, Talent, and Treasure for the good of our parishes and beyond. Furthermore, the Stewardship Commission is to guide the parish in welcoming new members and inviting their participation in the life and ministry of our parishes.
They meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month.
Contact Todd Bourdo:
Lauri Badura: or
Human Concerns Commission
This commission discerns and responds to the needs of persons in the parish, the wider community and the world by identifying resources to meet their needs and enlisting the active cooperation of parishioners. The members collaborate with the pastor, staff, and other organizations and agencies in service, advocacy, justice education, and empowerment of people.
Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at 10 am.
Human Concerns Subcommittees:
Human Resources Committee
The Human Resources Committee was formed to provide human resource policy guidance and assistance to the Pastor and the Administrative Leadership of the parishes. The areas and issues of primary focus and activity for the Committee have included the following:
The Human Resources Committee is made up of parishioners who possess a variety of general administrative and human resources management experience. The Committee welcomes the participation of anyone interested in supporting the Parishes on human resources issues.
Meetings are held as needed.
Worship Commission
This commission nourishes and gives direction to the liturgical and communal prayer life of the community. The members collaborate with the pastor and staff in this area of mission on liturgy preparation, the training and formation of the various liturgical ministers, and the formation of the assembly about the sacraments and liturgy.
Meetings are the first Tuesday of each month.
Contact our parish offices for more information.
Our Men's groups focus is to grow our faith and relationships through
fellowship, prayer, faith and biblical study in group discussion focused
Our group's intent is to grow our love for Jesus and our Catholic Faith , so that we will be better Men of Christ.
Join us at one of our meetings!
Saint Micheal's Hall / Multipurpose Room
SJOA School